Dental implants are devices usually made of titanium used to replace the root of the tooth and give support to a prosthesis, contributing to improved physical appearance and eating function.
Implants are suitable for patients who have lost one, several or all of their teeth.
Many factors may contribute towards losing a tooth, such as trauma (accident), tooth decay, habits, diet, periodontal diseases, congenital absence (born without the tooth).
The reality is that, whatever the reason, the tooth has to be replaced for both aesthetic and functional reasons.
When we lose a tooth, beyond compromising the stability of the adjacent teeth, a process of bone loss begins, called resorption. The teeth naturally receive the force of chewing and, in their absence, the bone ceases to receive stimulation, causing its resorption in height and length.
A major advantage of the use of prostheses on implants is the fact that they do not move around in the mouth when eating or speaking.
This certainty provides a more natural and comfortable result than bridges or conventional dentures, thus improving well-being and your quality of life.
To make an appointment, please call us on 028 6634 0005 , or email us:
You can find out more about the dental science behind the implants in this video from Neodent.
There are several types of treatment available to restore or replace teeth depending on your clinical circumstances.
One or more of the treatment options may be suitable in your case.
Have a chat to one of our team to discuss your treatment plan.
Graftless: lower morbidity, shorter treatment time and lower cost.
Immediate teeth: faster treatment time, fewer visits and lower long-term maintenance cost.
Higher patient acceptance: longer sustainability than traditional bridge work.
Improved self-image and self-confidence
Improved social life
Improved overall health and nutrition
1.Natural dental crown
2.Root of natural tooth
3.Prosthetic (intermediate) component
4.Prosthetic crown
5.Dental implant
MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9:15 - 17:15
Diagnosis and decision-making.
Assessment of the treatment options and thorough planning.
Implantation - the dental implant is anchored in your jaw.
Insertion under local anesthetic. A temporary restoration may be placed on the implant during the healing stage.
Healing phase - the implant bonds itself to your bone.
The healing phase may vary between six weeks and a few months, depending on your medical situation and the implant surface. High quality implants may shorten the healing phase significantly.
Your new teeth are produced at the dental lab.
The dental lab creates your individual restoration.
Placement of the final restoration.
Your final restoration is connected to the implant, leaving you free to smile, bite and chew like before.
To make an appointment, please call us on
028 6634 0005 , or email us at
See our before-and-after results below.
After insertion of your implant, the bonding process (osseointration) takes about six to eight weeks. In this time, the implant reaches the stability needed for it to bear weight like a natural tooth. Healing times can vary depending on the individual condition and indication.